What a week it has been with updates coming from all possible directions!
Even more exciting that coming up is re:Invent week, and you can expect bonus send-outs to stay updated for relevant announcements - bloat free!
️🔥 Keeping Customers Streaming — The Centralized Site Reliability Practice at Netflix (link)
️🔥 Stability and scalability for search - by Twitter (link)
Scaling with AWS serverless architecture: Square Payroll’s Migration from a Monolith to Microservices (link)
Improving GraphQL Federation Resiliency: Investigating Failed Schema Updates - by Booking (link)
SLICK: Adopting SLOs for improved reliability - by Meta (link)
Klarna on aligning 200 teams to monitor services with SLOs (link)
Best practices on monitoring Kubernetes - by NewRelic (part-1 and part-2)
Observability strategies to not overload engineering teams — OpenTelemetry Strategy (link)
Other updates
Github Availability Report: October 2022 (link)
AWS published a new whitepaper to prepare users on potentially degraded services operation (link)
Ayelet Sachto offers advice on creating an actionable, transparent, and blameless postmortem culture
The Cloudcast is discussing what if Twitter goes away?